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Kochin & Demsky

Rosie Kochin & Meir Demsky

Our Current Army Service
As an infantry soldier, Meiri was called up October 7th to the kibbutzim in the otef. Within a few weeks they joined the forces in Gaza, and have been fighting there since.

Our Love Story
Succos has always been our favorite holiday. A time to get together, no only with family, but with friends and neighbors too. We were both born on the third day of Chol Hamoed, and a little more than a year before had been introduced by friends, excited to spend our first birthday together. This year was especially exciting. On the first night of Hol Hamoed, we decided to get engaged and tell our family on the last day of the holiday. All week we kept the secret finally sending out the notice erev Simchat Torah. It was so meaningful, dancing in celebration of the Torah, the holiday and on a personal level our engagement. The next morning we all woke up to the awful news, and Meiri was called in to reserve duty within the hour.

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