Abitbul & Abitbul
Shoval Abitbul & Shay Abitbul
Our Current Army Service
After serving in a special police unit in the West Back, I and was called for reserves in the West BankOur Love Story
I was serving in a special police unit in the West Bank District, she was a police officer in the HQ of the West Bank District. We met in an Operation in an Arab village which required us having a female police officer to help us search the female suspects. Our wedding was supposed to be big full of family and friends on the 9th of October 2023 but unfortunately two days earlier was a nightmare for all the Jewish people. We decided not to push the Chupah and do it with our close family and our Rabbi. B’H it was beautiful, very original getting married under fire rockets haha but we didn’t let terror break us! Please note: To view the prices in a different currency, please click on the "settings" wheel on the top right.
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