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Milner & Tropper

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Nufar Milner & Lavi Tropper

Our Current Army Service
I (Lavi) served for a year and eight months in the Golani, with eight months of that period spent as a commander. I am currently following the "Hesder" program, which includes a year and a half of studies in Yeshiva, a year and a half of military service, and an additional two years of studies in the Yeshiva. Currently, I am in the last year of the program at the Yeshiva. When the war broke out, they assigned me and my friends to a reserve unit for graduates of Golani (although officially we are not considered reserve soldiers). We are stationed in the Golan Heights and carry out defense operations along the border with Syria.

Our Love Story
In my first year of military service, my friend Yehuda, casually mentioned to me that he knows someone named Nufar and thinks that we might be a good match. At that time, I wasn't really interested in dating, so I didn't pay much attention. After about a year, I remembered what Yehuda had told me and asked him if Nufar was still available. In response, he asked me, "How do you know Nufar?" I replied, "What do you mean? You yourself introduced me to her!" he had no idea what I was talking about, but after a few moments of thinking about the match, he told me that it actually sounded like a not-so-bad idea. Half a year later, we got engaged BH.

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