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Raab & Milgram

Abby Raab & Jonathan Milgram

Our Current Army Service
Jon was called up to miluim the morning of October 7. He was sent down south to the yishuvim to fight and to help clear out the areas. Since then, he's been serving in the Otef and in Gaza.

Our Love Story
We met at Bar Ilan University back in 2015. We were good friends for many years before starting to date on October 5, 2020. Once life finally quieted down, we got engaged on August 28, 2023. We checked out our first wedding hall just 2 days before the war began, and we are now planning on having a small ceremony on Jon's army base with his fellow soldiers and our immediate family. We are best friends, close with each other's families, and are excited to start this next stage of our lives together! :)

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